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  1. Fuse "The Daltons Rules"

  2. Fuse "Villians Trailer"

  3. Fuse Release date (May 28th)

    Insomniac Games has built quite a pedigree on the PlayStation 3, most recently juggling two successful franchises in Ratchet and Clank and Resistance. Fuse, the studio's first foray on the Xbox 360, will aim to become Insomniac's next big-time name.

    Formerly known as Overstrike, Fuse is a third-person action shooter boasting four-player co-op and a plethora of guns, akin to Insomniac's previous works. If Borderlands 2 is wearing on you and you need something new, Fuse may be what you're ...

    Updated 05-26-2013 at 08:58 AM by AGC JDOBBS CA

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